Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Bee Bee Tree - Evodia daniellii & Bees

The "Bee Bee" Tree (Evodia daniellii) aka Korean Evodia is a native of China and Korea. It is a much sought after tree for beekeepers. It grows 25-30 feet tall with showy white clusters of flowers appearing in mid-summer. The foliage stays dark green into Fall with bright red seed capsules which then turn black and last into the winter months for the birds. My tree trees were purchased for $1.50 each at about 1 foot high over a year ago, and then are now about 5 feet high. The deer did nibble the tops off which did not hurt them.

Korean Evodia


The Pollinators

Bees are the most important pollinating insects. In the past 60 years there has been a dramatic decline. The loss of bees will threaten the global food system.

Other pollinators are insects, birds, bats and the wind. I use no pesticides or chemicals, just let the beneficial insects with toads, birds and mother nature take care of the outdoors. Every flower bloomed & all the gardens were bountiful!

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